Moving to Machine Learning from Programming

So you have learned to the programme and were having a happy time at work, by putting into practice what you learned. Suddenly, out of nowhere, this huge wave of Machine Learning comes up, and you are all at sea! You know programming, but now you need to learn machine learning to stay relevant. And you are staring at a Herculean task, sifting through all the available machine learning courses online – unable to decide, whether any of them can actually help you out!

The first question you should ask yourself is what the kind of role that you see yourself playing in the future is? Yes, before actually diving into the time and effort consuming task of attending machine learning courses, you should make an effort to read as much as possible. Read articles, participate in forums, talk to people and find out, what are the kind of roles on offer in this field. See which of these matches your aspirations and career goals. Before you start to learn machine learning, you should know the field, however abstract it may seem.

Once you know, what the hullabaloo is all about, it is extremely crucial to assess your current skills. Yes, you know programming, but which languages are you familiar with? Can they help you in getting deeper in the domain of machine learning and artificial intelligence? If your answer is no, the first set of machine learning courses you should look into are the ones that familiarize you with such languages like R or Python.

As you become familiar with the programming languages that will help you learn machine learning, do an honest assessment, whether you really like programming in them and have you decided to pursue the career as a programmer. In that scenario, you should look at more and more advanced machine learning courses that teach you the intricate details of programming in R or Python. Also, you should undertake some of the basic machine learning courses that help you to familiarize yourself with algorithms and statistics.

In case programming is not what you want to pursue, but analytics is where your heart and ambition lies; you should look at machine learning courses or even generic artificial intelligence courses dealing with statistics, algorithms, when and where to use them. This will give you a much better grip on which algorithm to apply in which situation and the logic behind it.

As you become more and more proficient in the logic, you should also be able to develop quick prototypes of your proposed solutions with your understanding of the programming languages. This is the benefit of your efforts to learn machine learning in a streamlined manner. You can easily relate to the problem, identify solutions, build prototypes, evaluate and improvise. No one can actually stop you.

And lo! You have crossed the hurdle with the help of machine learning courses online. All you needed was a firm decision to learn machine learning and determination to achieve your goals with dedicated efforts.


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