Everything You Need to Know About Investment Banking Case Study

Case studies play a very vital role in your journey of becoming an Investment Banker.  Each and every Investment Banking assessment centres will make you go through an individual and group case study. However, there are some basic things you should know about them in order to prepare yourself well for these case studies.  In this article, let’s dig deep and find out things about Investment Banking case studies that you will never ever forget.

What Is Investment Banking?

 Well, before going deep into the topic, let’s give you an insight of what is investment banking. Investment banking is a specific part of the baking related operations which solely concentrates on the creation of capital for other companies, governments, and other entities. An Investment Bank creates the capital by underwriting new securities and debts for the organizations and also by helping in selling those securities and merging of companies and acquisition.

What are Investment Banking Case Studies?

 As you have already got a vague idea of what is Investment Banking, let’s come to the main topic which is Investment Banking Case Studies. The first thing you should be aware of what exactly Investment Banking is. It is consists of the question that you have to answer on the basis of a client’s business. You will have some information about the client’s business and you will have to justify the answers you give regarding the business. Most of the time these case studies happen on the spot that means you will be given the materials and you have to study them and prepare yourself to face the questionnaire within a limited timeframe. However, some Investment banks might provide you with the materials prior to the assessment day and you will have some time to prepare yourself.

Why Investment Banking Case Studies are Important?

 Investment banking courses are designed in a way that it always look for the right candidates for the job and case studies are one of the best ways to judge the ability of a candidate. The reason for that is case studies put the candidate into a real business environment which brings out their capability of handling the work. It is also a wonderful way to bring out the analytical, representational, communication, and interpersonal skill of a candidate. That is why companies emphasize on designing Investment banking courses that give importance to case studies way more than any other interview or test. Thus, for an aspiring investment banker, case studies are arguably the biggest hurdle he or she has to cross.

The Questions You Might Have to Encounter during Case Studies

 In order to make you understand how the whole case study thing works, let’s see some examples. You have a client whose name is A. He or she approaches you and asks you out of the three companies on which he or she has insights, which one he or she should acquire.  You need to answer that keeping in mind what would be the best for Client A and that is why you should have a clear concept about investment banking meaning. Also, another client B comes to you and asks you how he or she could raise the capital of his or her company. You need to give practical and applicable advice keeping in mind the investment banking meaning in order to leave a good impression. Again a client called C comes to you for your opinion about whether he or she should expand his or her company through acquisitions or organically. These are some of the very basic questions that you might have to face in the case studies.

A Couple of Tips on How You Should Prepare

 Given the fact that your future as an Investment Bankers depends a lot on these case studies, you ought to look for ways by which you can prepare yourself well ahead of the biggest test of your life. During the investment banking recruitment process, a huge amount of emphasis is given to case studies and it is truly as an acid test for aspiring investment bankers. Most have their dreams crushed in this stage of the recruitment process. In order to save you from getting your dreams crushed, here are a couple of general tips that will help you to crack case studies quite easily.

Right Attitude with Technical Skills

 Attitude is the most important thing when it comes to pulling of case studies. The recruiting teams are in search of a candidate who will be ready to work extra hours and take workload without getting irritated. Someone who is quite friendly and amicable to work with is the primary thing the team looks at. They will also look at your other technical skills. However, if you have loads of knowledge but don’t have the right attitude towards your work then no matter how much you try, it won’t work. So, better start preparing your attitude from today onwards.

Have a Smile on Your Face

 Nobody wants to hire a man who gets stressed out when the pressure situation arises. Most candidates forget to smile when their turn comes because they are so stressed out. Now, that’s a thing that you don’t want to be doing. It just kills off the impression. A smiling face reflects confidence and also increases the reliability of that candidate. So, always have a smile on your face even if you are stressed from the inside.

 So, if you are an aspiring investment banker then this article will surely help you to fulfill your dreams. Keep in mind the tips because these are essential when it comes to cracking the toughest part of the recruitment process, case studies.


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