Will Data Science Encroach On Our Privacy?

These days our country in particular and the world in general are facing a huge unknown demon in terms of the issue of breach of privacy. While Snowden from the fame of Wikileaks had already released the confidential documents of the kind of secret surveillance, which the powerful countries had in place to keep a tab on developing centres of powers, in particular India. What is more baffling that maybe the capitalist brigade of our own country also has the potential to compromise our data, if they ever fall prey to the advent of various dangerous viruses like Petya or Wannacry.

With the newest run in of the Government of India with the Supreme Court regarding whether linking of our Unique Identity Cards or Aadhar Cards with our phone number, has prompted the running of a lot of questions in the minds of the general public. This is worrisome mainly because of the recent reports of data base hacking of prominent telecommunication network companies like Jio and Airtel. These databases that were hacked into and put out on public display included everything regarding the clients, ranging from their phone numbers to their address as well as their Aadhar card numbers, those very numbers that were also linked to the bank accounts.

This makes one realize how easy it is to fall prey to attacks from such sophisticated viruses all due to the concept of collecting information and the not being able to protect it properly at all. Data science is basically referred to as a field of information technology, which is primarily involved in collecting of huge amounts of data, which is previously unstructured and mostly scattered too, processing it and finding out the most important parts of the same. Then this processed data is run through various data analytical tools like R Programming, SAS Programming, Hadoop and so on to find the perfect kind of insights that will be available for helping the company progress and grow both strategically and economically.

While the constant fear of a data breach is perpetually looming like a sword on the heads of these companies, it is also true that the field of Data Science may have all the answers for our protection. With new and new developments taking place almost every single day, we see the professional Data Scientists, building various versions of algorithms which will help ensure that proper functioning of data, all of which are often a result of the procedural and technical approaches put in place in order to manage the risks of the various organizations, the most important of which refer to protecting of the valuable data of the people.

Today it is more important for companies to shift their focus from just depending thoroughly on algorithms especially when it comes to collection of data and the sources from where it is usually collected, to the more important question of what use is it put to and how to ensure the proper processing of the same. Which is why today employers seek candidates having an edge over the general public and especially those who are able to be industry relevant like the ones churned out of professional training institutes like Imarticus Learning


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