Data Analytics Enters Sports

When data science emerged, many believed that it would be a cup of tea for only those who were used to being confined in a single cubicle of an office, crunching away at the numbers in front of a blank computer, all day long. But it may seem that data science as a field has proved them all wrong. While the use of this concept is more often done for optimization of various process in which programming and coding plays a huge role, but at the same time this is also true that today, data science has begun to play a bigger role in the various fields like healthcare, science, military and so on.
The newest to be added to this ever growing list is the field of sports. The United States Of America’s National Basketball league or as it is popularly known, NBA has been one of the first sports leagues to having granted the permission for the entry of big data science and data analytics into the insides of the locker rooms. This is because no longer can a millennial’s father be able to recognise how the game is played as data science has literally transformed the game from being just basketball to so much more. NBA has embraced the world of numbers and statistics so very whole heartedly that there is no looking back.
Nowadays every single team has a data analyst as a part of its staff pointing out to the fact that this is one more field where those belonging to the industry of data science are able to explore opportunities. These data analysts are supposed to work with coaches as well as the players in order to maximise the potential as well as help in the identification of those players who so far have just not been identified. Even most of the players these days have taken to wearing of fitness track bands and monitors that help count the number of hours they work and sleep in order to find out the time where they will be really prone or vulnerable to any sort of injury. Many of the best teams who are a part of the NBA actually go on ahead and praise the existence of data science and the improvements that it has brought ahead with itself.
Did you know that there is even an annual hackathon that is organised by the basketball league in order to discover any new and potential data analyst talent? Adam Silver, the commissioner for NBA said, “Analytics are a part and parcel of virtually everything that we do now”. This goes on to say how involved the field of data analytics has actually become in the world of sports. Right now its just basketball at such an extensive level, it is surely believed that it would take no time to come about and follow in to various different types of sports in the coming years. This seems to be a great news for all of those data aspirants who usually look to get hired in this field through professional training institutes like Imarticus Learning.


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