Let’s begin with looking at some statistics that will help us have a clear outlook on the whole aspect of corporate training and why it is come to garner such importance in the world of business today. It is estimated that by the year 2025, there will be about 262 million people on the face of our planet, who will be of the capacity to actually be employed in firms and companies. A commonplace fact remains that today when companies hire employees, they are supposed to train them in order to ensure that they are able to achieve their productive best. This is similarly why on an average, a firm in the United States of America spends close to $5,380 on the training procedure of any new hire.
We happen to live in an era which is informationally enriched, which is why where on one hand there exists a great influx of information, on the other hand, the whole process of prior knowledge is steadily being replaced by learning while keeping the job in perspective. Students today are still taught using the rudimentary techniques of chalk and board and some new audiovisual technologies. But in spite of this, the new technologies, latest industrial processes, design are supposedly so advanced and complicated that they quite often just elude students, who take quite long to just understand the same.

As we develop more and more we come to realize that there is a pressing need in the present times to create a workforce that is ‘updated’ with the current industry standards. While in the earlier days there did exist conventional ways of training in order to help a candidate function better, these included orientation sessions, internships and a slightly different take on practical learning being taught to the students. This was still not able to suffice the demands of both the professionals as well as the industries. Which is what gave impetus to the introduction of corporate training.

Corporate Training can be simply explained as the bridging of the gap between academics and industry. This involves all the ways as to how higher education, when formulated in a proper way, can help out the candidates to become confident enough, or self-motivated enough to work efficiently in any industry in their career. The recent times have seen a number of experts express their opinions on the need to create a proper kind of collaboration between the world of corporate learning and education. While this may be the popular rhetoric, there is still a long way to go and these two industries have 99% differences within themselves.

There are various ways in which the concept of corporate learning can be implemented. Such ways would include social collaboration, which would involve a number of highly interactive technological platforms, then one could also devise proper functioning learning management system interfaces as well as repeated learning system. There are a few institutes in India which are actually going ahead and following the nuances of corporate training such as Imarticus Learning and are actually able to receive due recognition for the same.  


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