Introduction to Global Marketing

A few hundred years ago, when it came to importing and trading in foreign markets, it usually took months to just transfer the goods through seas routes, in huge vessels. The vagaries of this kind of trade piled up so high that only huge trading firms were able to overtake this perilous task. This risky and arduous nature of business usually ended up demotivating a number of smaller firms. But this scenario was going to soon undergo a number of changes mainly due to enormous developments in the technology of transport. Soon globalization set in and people and things could move from one continent to the earth in a way that was unimaginable before.

Today, due to the advancement in the field of Information Technology and more so due to the emergence of the Internet, the world has come even closer and is truly on its way to become a global village. Present day businesses usually have their branches and employees all across the world and their customers are able to receive goods and services in the most hassle free manner. This is where the concept of global marketing emerged and became really popular in a matter of years.

Global marketing is basically the sale of a product, on an international level. It consists of the whole process from planning, producing, placing as well the promotion of all the products and services of a company, not only on the national but also the international level. Earlier it was just the large business with enormous annual turnovers, which were able to have their business spread long and wide to different countries of the world. But today, with the advent of the internet, even smaller businesses are able to reach clients all across the globe without much of a hassle.

The main reason why it has increasingly become important today to establish a global presence is because of the influx of foreign companies in the domestic markets. As many firms face a huge competition from the foreign firms, they find it inevitable to ensure their very own global presence. Many products which are universally in demand are usually involved in this process of global marketing. Such products could range from food to automobiles to much more. While there are many companies that even today focus more so on the domestic markets, on the other hand, there are also companies who find it very profitable to have a proper global presence across the world.

Some examples of companies in the field of Global Marketing would be Walmart, Toyota, Volkswagen, ING financial services, General Motors, Samsung Electronics, Coco Cola and so on. Any global company must ensure that they have a uniform presence across the globe and also that they are able to serve their customers according to their domestic tastes as well. Today global marketing has grown out of just food and automobiles and is well on its way to enter the sector of finance and analytics. Picking up the cues there are many institutes like Imarticus Learning which offer courses that can train an aspirant to work in the field of global marketing. 


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