Why you should attend Imarticus@online – Roundtable conference on Online Education

Online@imarticus is aimed for those who wants to leverage online learning medium for their organization.

This conference is  host 3 panels which will focus on building different enablers, Making online learning engaging and effective which will help attendees adopt culture of learning and development in there organization.
1. Role of Enablers in building a scalable online delivery platform

What are the aspects from a delivery platform perspective
What is the investment and technology needed
What kind of policy and infrastructure do you need

2. How to build effective and engaging learning via an online platform
Can everything be taught online? We look at skills v/s competency v/s knowledge training. How does blended learning play a role here?
How do you build an online curriculum v/s an offline one – what is the way to do it?
How do you make online learning more effective and measure its effectiveness?
What are the ideal engagement techniques
What can u do to incentivize/motivate the workforce Global use cases

3. Getting Started – building an eco-system that will sustain and nurture online learning outcomes
How do you make sure that your organization is ready?
What initiatives can you take to make it ready?
What kind of sponsorship and buy-in do you need?
How do you create learning approaches and models to ensure organizational level buy-in?
Corporate Use Cases

To know more about online@imarticus visit: http://imarticus.org/imarticus-learning-hosts-a-roundtable-conference-on-online-education-2


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