The Three Pillars of Stock Trading – Method [#ImarticusLive Webinar]

Buy Low, Sell High. Short high, Cover Low – these are the common words you may have heard from the people who are actively trading in markets. As they say, trading is nothing but Buy the dip and sell the tip. However, is successful trading that simple the way it sounds? Mind, Method and Money – This are three pillars of trading. Mind refers to trading psychology. Method refers to rules you set for deciding when to Buy/Sell and Money refers to money management. Let us go through one of these!

Method refers to market analysis, tools or technique used by trader to select the stock and arrive at buy or sell decisions. It refers to the many types of analysis namely, Fundamental Analysis Technical Analysis, and more. Whichever market the trader chooses, has to meet the two criteria of liquidity and validity.

Find out more about these concepts of trading in the Three Pillars of Stock Trading webinar brought to you by Imarticus Learning. This webinar is held by Mr. Vishal Kshatriya, a chartered accountant with over 9 years of experience in the capital markets. He currently heads Derivatives Research Desk in PCG Business at Edelweiss Broking.

Register here and use special code: BLG02


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