All Time Top 5 Self Help Books for Personal Development

All Time Top 5 Self Help Books for Personal Development Zenobia Sethna Hands up: How many of you dread being seen in the self-help aisle of a bookstore or secretly order them on Amazon? Self-help books – when you break the words apart, it just mean we help ourselves. Self-help books are still very much in demand, with around 2,000 new titles coming out every year. Most of these promise to improve some aspect of your life – to help you to become more confident, successful, rich, stop smoking, find a mate, get rid of your mate, what have you. Whatever your problem, you can guarantee there is a book that swears to have the solution. Here are some recommended reads – These are tried and tested books, as witnessed by their phenomenal sales the world over. #1: How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie No explanation needed. Read it. #2 Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill This 70 million bestselling book is truly one of the all-time m...