What Does It Take To Be A Data Specialist?

The past couple of years has seen, the entire world get fired up all due to this concept known as ‘data analytics’. Data Analytics can be called as the small fish in the big pond that is known as Big Data. As you would understand by the term, big data is definitely very, very big. It refers to all of those virtual records of almost everyone that are present online. Now, these virtual records could be generated from any varied device, including a video game, a flight, any social networking site or a particular person’s online shopping cart. The best part though, is that every aspect of Big Data is very easy to acquire, due to the fact that it is either cheap or free. Did you know, that your entire data on a particular social networking site say Facebook can cost up to just a mere 12 dollars. This is exactly why extracting this data and collecting it has become the easiest things of this field, while at the same time, storing this huge data has become really difficult. Let’s move on to the most important question of all, ‘what does it take for a person to be a data scientist?’

If you look at it from a very objective point of view, it may seem very overwhelming that you need to have so many skills to make a career out of this field. It makes you realize that probably this field is not for everyone. If you notice further, you would be relieved to know that you don’t necessarily have to possess all of the skills, but even some of them are enough to launch you into the field of Big Data.

Here’s a list of innate qualities and skills that an individual must have, if they are looking to make it big in the field of Big Data

Quantitative Aptitude

Being comfortable with numbers, is an absolute must in this field, more so because the major chunk of work here, most often than not involves a lot of numbers.

Logical Thinking

While one may feel that logical thinking, is one ability which is required in every single field or career, but the reason for including it here, is the fact that it is one of the most important qualities for a professional to have. Most of the big data problems can be solved just by logic and headstrong attitude.

Communication Skills

Big Data Scientists and Data Analysts are usually supposed to play the most crucial roles, when it comes to the economic development of the company. They are usually the ones, who are responsible to give advice on the most crucial aspects of the company to senior executives. This is exactly why it is necessary for those professionals to posses great communication skills, so they are able to put across exactly what they find by sifting through data.

Action Oriented
People who are generally curious, impatient and action oriented, make for great professionals in the field of Big Data. This is exactly why one needs to be curious enough about numbers, to try and find hidden trends and patterns in mounds of data.

Apart from these, there are various certification courses in Big Data, that one can take to improve their technical skills. Institutes like Imarticus Learning offer tailor made courses and diplomas in the field of Big Data for all of those looking to get trained as per industry standards and get paid most handsomely.

Source: https://medium.com/@imarticus/what-does-it-take-to-be-a-data-specialist-5201a310be57#.43pamv3j2


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