Imarticus Learning Hosts An Informative Webinar On Careers In Business Analysis

If you’ve ever tried to decode, exactly what it is, that a Business Analyst does, you have to look no further and join this webinar, hosted by Imarticus Learning, which will focus on decoding the various nuances of this career track. The webinar will endeavor to go beyond just processes and systems and discuss the new and upcoming ways of innovation and leadership. Find out what makes the field of Business Analysis so unique and why it has garnered so much of importance in the recent times.

Imarticus Learning hosts a #imarticusLive Webinar on careersin Business Analysis on November, 22nd, 2016

 Business Analysis is the process through which a change is brought about, specifically in the organizational context, by underlining certain needs and recommending solutions, which add value for the stakeholders in that particular firm. Thus it basically functions as a discipline, wherein a Business Analysts performs research in the core process of a firm, while identifying any glitches and oiling the proverbial clogs by eliminating problems. All of this is done through various process like policy development or strategic planning, most of which solely depend on tackling of problems and solving them.

The recent times have seen a major breakthrough in this field as the business world, continues to grow complex. Industry trends predict that the next three years, would be the most crucial in terms of the growth and development of the business organization. This is exactly why, organizations have begun to  expand their expectations, in terms of looking for a BA who possesses skills for a more value-driven analysis as compared to the old, task based table stakes.

Imarticus Learning courses focus on the tools and techniques needed to excel in the competitive business analysis landscape.

If you are looking for ways to decode the exact requirements of various companies, in terms of value based analysis in this field, then this webinar is your go-to place to find out everything there is to know, about the modern day BA professionals. This would provide answers to various common questions, which refer to the mainline concepts of life cycles, enterprise analysis, various roles and responsibilities of a BA, the tools and techniques used, various contemporary trends that every BA aspirant should be aware of and more. The webinar will be hosted by Mr. Mukhraj Singh, who will decode this fascinating career, bit by bit for all those BA enthusiasts, looking to progress their career.

Joy Parekh is the Assistant Vice President at Imarticus, who was the driving force behind the Online Learning Vertical. Presently, he manages a 20-member team across Online Business Development, Product and Governance Functions within Imarticus Learning.

Join us for this webinar, on the 22nd of November where we will be discussing the following:

·        Mainline Concepts like Life cycle and stakeholders, Roles and responsibilities of Business Analysts and the types of SDLC projects including:  Waterfall, Agile, Iterative, Incremental, Scope Creep , Requirement Tracing with Business Need and Vision
·        Various Models Used During Enterprise Analysis, The Significance of Requirements Elicitation & Tools and Techniques for Requirement Elicitation
·        Exploring the Contemporary Trends in BA and Project Management, which includes making agile work for organizations as the Agile bandwagon continues to grow.
·        All the BA deliverables that a professional needs to deliver, perfectly according to the need of the clients.
·        Going beyond mere process, system and continuous improvement programs and the need to be more innovative and entrepreneurial.

The webinar will also include a Q&A session, where our team will be happy to answer any queries posed by you.

Time: 5pm
Date: 22nd November
At Imarticus Learning, we have dedicated programs on various branches of business analysis, which would equip you with the skills to excel in a competitive business sphere.


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