What’s Predictive Analytics All About?
Predictive analytics or predictive modelling can be defined, as a commonly used statistical technique to predict future behavior. The solutions provided here are a part of data mining technology, which works with the analysis of historical and current data, thus generating a model, which will aid in predicting future outcomes. It basically uses trends that have exited in the past and tries to apply them to the future, mainly to check their relevancy. Technology has somewhat achieved this phenomena already, although we still have a long way to go about it. Have you ever noticed, if you look for a certain product online, say in the morning, you get advertisements about the similar or related products throughout the day? For instance if a customer purchases a camera from any e-commerce website, then by default he would also become an instant customer for all of its accessories, while at the same time he’d want to buy, say a lens of the same brand, so no question of competition here. ...