Big Data Hadoop Certification: Is It Worth It?

Data Analytics, as a career has seen a lot of increasing demand, in the recent years of the IT driven world. This can be broadly referred to as the principle method used in the industry of Data Science. With its inception, about a few years ago, this industry has been making ripples in the virtual world. This field received a lot of takers, in term of companies wanting to hire trained professionals, as well as candidates looking to explore this, as a career option. Data Analytic s has been taking huge strides in the online marketing industry, with the whole concept of predictive analysis; this enables companies and firms to implement strategies that will provide guaranteed success and growth. Data Analysts or Data Scientists are those people, who are adept at performing magic with numbers. They are specialized individuals, who make use of certain tools to convert the data, into value based decisions and strategies. The various programming tools in this field are R Programming, SAS...